Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Theology in the Blogosphere

As part of my role with CruPress, I manage our Digital Ministry Resource website (crupressgreen.com), which includes a blog.  Our blog features contributions from good communicators within the US Campus Ministry.  I've always thought it was a lofty goal of our blog to stir the theological pot - to get people thinking and talking about relevant and sometimes controversial issues.  But, after reading this article, I may have to re-think my priorities.


Give it a quick read and tell me what you think.


  1. Very interesting idea from the author. But shouldn't we then take *blogging=communicating* and therefore shouldn't even talk (vs. write) about the subjects? Really, blogging and other internet conversations are only the written versions of what we would say out loud.

    I think anyone's priorities on speaking or writing on subjects should be to first seek God, then do our homework while seeking God. Granted, I tend to speak before listening and I am thereby hypocritical, but I still think I'm right :)

    Finally, caution can definitely be a good thing (something I'm normally apt to ignore).

  2. Good point, Jordan. This fancy internet thing has added a whole new category of communication, making it so people write with the same style and frequency as speaking. So you're right, it's not like every blog post I ever make should be compared to Matthew Henry's Bible Commentary. But being slow to speak and quick to listen is definitely a biblical principle I need to focus on.

    Hi back.
